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CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY DATES We will be closed from 20th December to 3rd January inclusive. Any orders placed will be on hold and dispatched on 6th January dependent upon stock levels.

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE We are not registered for VAT so the prices you see are the prices you pay!

Please note there is a 4 to 6 week waiting list from placing Tong orders until their dispatch.

Lost Wax Beads 1Kg (Broken from billet in Photograph - Now comes as beads)

This product is a hard stable wax intended for the lost wax casting industry, either by injection or running into moulds. Low ash at burnout.

Weight : 10kg. May vary by + or - 100grams
Size : Length 500mm x Diameter 150mm
Volume : 5,000 cm Cubed

FLASH POINT (OPEN 0C):     >200    
COLOUR: green/ brown                             
VAPOUR PRESSURE (kPa @ 20 0C):  Negligible
ODOUR: characteristic                               
RELATIVE DENSITY @ 20 0C :   0.98
MELTING POINT RANGE (0C): 65 – 75     

VISCOSITY @ 99°C (eSt):  20 - 50